Wednesday, January 25, 2006

tracking numbers

"I think we'll date sooner if we focus on everything else, sort of like how UPS always shows up when you're in the bathroom."

An element of truth exists in this statement as it does seem UPS/DHL/FedEx/delivery service of your choice does seem to show up more quickly if you're not just sitting around staring out the window wondering when they'll arrive. That being said & while it is largely subconscious, you do make some preparations to receive your box. You make sure you're home, you probably make sure you have some sort of clothing on, you shovel the walk if it has been snowing, you check the tracking number to make sure it is to arrive on the day you expected it. As nice as it would be, I'm not suggesting that future spouses should have tracking numbers. Having faith in God's plan for you is so important, but that doesn't mean you should be off singing in the shower completely oblivious to the potential arrival. Many of the essential steps toward walking down the aisle occur long before bended knees & engagement rings, flowers & dinners, furtive glances & flirty smiles. In fact the preparation for marriage begins before you even meet that special someone for the first time. And a lot of it is not sitting around waiting for your life to begin or for someone to "complete you." It's about enjoying life. It's about recognizing that it's okay to desire marriage, but that only God can make you content. And it's about honesty with yourself about who you are and what you want and being able to be honest with others. It's about understanding the habits and behaviors you have that could be damaging to a relationship and a willingness to work toward positive change. So no I'm not sitting around waiting for the UPS man to show (unless he's cute & single ;) ) but I am making sure snow doesn't obstruct the path. This doesn't mean that my heart is accessible to anyone, it just means that I am open to a relationship & ready for when the right guy wants to walk up and knock on my door.


Anonymous said...

I know it's OK to desire marriage, but I wish I didn't. Actually, it's weird -- the times in my life I've been closest to God, those are the times I've wanted marriage the most. Then when I'm backsliding, it's easier to love being single.

I wish it didn't work that way. I wish it was the other way around.

Ashlee Liddell said...

I totally agree with you statement about wishing you didn't desire marriage...I was just saying today to a dear friend of mine that I wish God would place a call on my life to be single. When you have been hurt, wounded, frustrated, annoyed, so many times it really makes me wonder what the point to all of it is....