Thursday, February 23, 2006

how can it be?

i have been pondering lately why i seem to have the attraction toward guys who only see me as one of them, or if they do not see me as "one of the guys" they do not think i am awesome enough to date, but think i am awesome enough to spend a lot of time with? one can't help but feel rejected or in need of interaction with someone that makes her feel pretty and of value and actually treats her like a lady.

in all of this, the unfortionate fact surfaces that God cursed Eve (and us as daughters of eve) to desire after our husbands, to want a man... now i don't think that is bad all the time, but all to often it gets out of control, like it is in my life and so many other's. Don't get me wrong i enjoy my singleness, but at times i want to come home and not have to do everything and take care of everything. the thought of coming home and someone else making sure the bills are paid and the car is taken care of is incredibly appealing. lately, i have just increased in the desire for that partnership. this is where community has got to come in, but even in community roles i tend to be the one that takes on the role (or is given the role) of making sure everything is taken care of... i want to bust out of that mold....

anyway, those are just some thoughts

Monday, February 20, 2006

where's the disconnect?

This is a general list based off of the experiences of some of my female friends and myself.

Top Seven Things a Guy Should Not Say to a Girl in Whom He is Not Interested

(It's not that I couldn't think of 3 more, I just didn't want to be cliche by doing a top ten. :P )

7. I'm just calling because I'm bored
6. it's so easy to talk to you
5. you're beautiful
4. I love spending time with you
3. you'll make a great mother
2. you're such an awesome woman
1. you'll make a great wife

If you recognize all these things, why don't you want to date her?? Seriously, if you have a girl in your life about whom you think all of these things I want you to sit down and consider why you have relegated her to platonic friendship land.

Any guy who says these things without any follow through should be punched in the face. ("Punch _______ in the face" being my new favorite phrase, though to be fair I use it for girls too. I'm not actually that violent so no punches have actually happened.)

Note: follow through can include introducing said wonderful girl who for whatever reason you do not wish to date to one of your great guy friends who might actually man up.

Note 2: Some guys can get away with saying these things to girls with whom they are just friends, but if you're not sure it's best to keep your mouth shut.

Thursday, February 02, 2006